
“Hatred is a strong word and one that I’ve disassociated myself from more and more as I’ve gotten older, as I no longer have the energy for all the grudges and pettiness that tended to consume me in my youth. But those feelings do manifest in the deepest, darkest depths of myself from time toContinue reading “Anathema”


“Everyone goes through trials and tribulations in their life, occasionally falling in the deepest of valleys. In my honest opinion, it’s not those hardships that define a person’s worth, but instead, a person’s true value should be determined by their response in the face of such adversity and whether or not they pick themselves up,Continue reading “Sanitize”

Corrosive Idolizations

“I was a pretty smart kid growing up, not to toot my own horn or anything, and had many academic and personal accolades along the way. But all of that came at a steep price, and around the time of high school and college, I began to feel like more and more people wanted toContinue reading “Corrosive Idolizations”


“It’s hard not to be cynical about the way our society is headed. There are constant reminders that no matter how hard we try to push towards a more prosperous future where equality reigns supreme–regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc.–there is a wicked force opposing such evolution, led by those who refuse to letContinue reading “Zealotry”

Dangerous Leviathan

“This song was one that I wrote during my time in college at UC Irvine; being a political science major, there were plenty of topics that piqued my interest and subjects that I wanted to delve into further in terms of my writing. Political theory is one such broad subject and the subtopic that thisContinue reading “Dangerous Leviathan”

Running on Overdrive

“I’ve never been the kind of person to accept living in a state of stasis; I’m always looking for the next project or destination or thing to hold my interest. Sometimes that mindset has led me into some crazy situations, but that’s just how I’m wired, so I’ve learned to roll with the punches throughContinue reading “Running on Overdrive”

Forever Hating Me

“It doesn’t really matter who you are, there are always going to be people that enter your life with the sole purpose of bringing you down and making your life a living hell. It’s easy to get caught up in all the nonsense and let the negativity affect your psyche, but the best way toContinue reading “Forever Hating Me”

The Beggar

“Growing up in Los Angeles all my life, I’ve been exposed to a rather large population of homeless people, especially the infamous Skid Row. I’ve seen the way these people have been treated and looked down upon, not only by random individuals passing by, but by the city itself. And I’ve always wondered why thatContinue reading “The Beggar”